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SLA not showing if you are not an JSD Agent

Roberto Ialino June 7, 2020

Dear all, in order to see SLAs timing on a specific tickets the user must be an Agent.

Managers that are not agents need to see this kind of fields.

Do you agree ?

Is there somethign in the JSD backlog about this issue ?

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Tuncay Senturk
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June 7, 2020

Hi @Roberto Ialino 

There is an issue for SLAs to be displayed in the customer portal but I don't know of an issue for showing SLAs for Jira Core or Software users.

Actually, it might not be implemented, since it affects JSD licensing directly.

On the other hand, if you are not bound to JSD SLAs, you can think SLA apps

Roberto Ialino June 10, 2020

Hi @Tuncay Senturk 

thank you very much for your answer also does not help. 

There is the possibility to see tickest and put just internal comments without became an Agent, so I don't know why SLA timing are not visibile for this users that are not Agents.

It is a constraint that does not have sense if they are able to see all the other fields inside the ticket.

Best regards

Roberto Ialino June 10, 2020

Hi @Tuncay Senturk sorry what is the issue link related to what you mentioned ? 

There is an issue for SLAs to be displayed in the customer portal

Thannk you very much

Best regards

Tuncay Senturk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 10, 2020

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