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Reporting for SD Customers

Anna Clark
I'm New Here
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May 2, 2019


Is there a way to create reports that SD Customers can see in Confluence without giving them a software licence?

The options under the request lists is very limited and I can't see a way to amend these. I therefore thought creating a page in Confluence would be the answer as they have a Confluence licence, however, the filters just say "Data cannot be retrieved due to an unexpected error".

Am I doing something wrong or is this just not possible without a Jira licence?



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Boyan Angelov
Rising Star
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May 2, 2019


Jira Service Desk is limiting the portal customers to only what they can see on the portal. Therefore you cannot show them anything in Confluence. That is why we created an app for Jira Service Desk - Advanced Portal Reports - that allows on the portal the customer to see a much better report than the standard one. There they can see all issue fields allowed by admin, sore by columns, move columns around, export to CSV, filter, etc. 

Hope that helps.


Anna Clark
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
May 2, 2019

Thanks, I'll have a look.

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