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Report by Organizations in JSD

Rodney Mckiel
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August 2, 2018

This seamed to simple to ask during evaluation but it appears there is no way to create a simple report that lists the number of issues by organization. We support many external organizations and we want to rank them over a time period based simply on number of issued submitted. Same for dashboards.......?




Jack Brickey
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August 3, 2018

@Rodney Mckiel, welcome to the Community. Have you tried to leverage the JQL function organizationMembers("")?

For example:


project = ABC and reporter in organizationMembers("Acme Plumbing")

Nicole Downes March 13, 2019

We would like to create a report by organisation for our company reps. 

There appears to be no gadget/query to group issues by organisation, which can then be used to produce a report. 

Organization is not an available field for "Statistic Type" in any gadget.

Is there a way to have a list of issues per organization for a particular service desk without creating an individual query per organization?  As new organizations are added, they would just automatically be added to the result without the need to update the filter/gadget each time.

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