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Reject operator smart value

Mohamed Saad Taha November 21, 2023


If I have workflow and there and requests can be rejected in many phases, and I am using email notification to send to group of uses and i want to add the user that reject the request. How can I do this ? 

each phase have many users only one is enough to be rejected so I want to add only the user who reject the request 


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Rudy Holtkamp
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November 23, 2023

Hi @Mohamed Saad Taha 

You can use Automation for Jira

Use as trigger: Approval completed

Then an advanced compare with:

{{approval.decision}} equals declined

Then the send email component with this in the body


 This will tell you who declined your request.

You can also use the above in a variable and use .emailAddress instead of .displayName to be able to extract the email address of the person who rejected it.

Mohamed Saad Taha November 23, 2023

@Rudy Holtkamp thank you so much

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