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Project setting Request Types does not exist

Sean McMullin February 21, 2020

I am trying to create a form for some of our users to submit issues with.  When looking for help, I am seeing a lot of documentation telling me to go to Project Settings -> Request Types (t. ex.

When I go to Project Settings, I don't see Request Types.  Below is what I see.

Additionally, I have also looked for why Request Types is missing, and am getting a ton of unhelpful doc results for Cloud (not Server) when doing so.



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Rising Star
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February 21, 2020

Hi Sean,

According to your screenshot, you are working on a project of type "Business".

Request types are available for the type "Service Desk" only - meaning you have to have Jira Service Desk installed in your instance and of course the license for it.

If that is the case, you can convert your project into Service Desk in the Settings > Details > Project Type 

I hope it helps.


Sean McMullin February 21, 2020

Yes, that is what I needed.  Thank you!  As usual, should have asked earlier.

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