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Project Automation keeps failing when setting Customer Request Type field

Joshua Cotterell September 20, 2021

I have created request types, have fields populated, some hidden, some required to choose, and based on a combination of field options chosen, I have a Project Automation rule to set two fields, one of them being the Customer Request Type field, which is set by Jira Service Management, but is also able to be changed.

For it to initially work, I had to create "dummy" request types with Request Type names to match the eventual output desired based on the rule. I did that, no problem. When that was complete, I tested the rule and it succeeded. When I delete my dummy request types, the rule fails. Even when I re-create them, the rule still fails. There should be nothing that is causing the rule to fail, but it is.

Is there something I'm missing?

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Joshua Cotterell September 21, 2021

I think I stumbled upon the process that makes it work. It's pretty clunky, but it works.

  1. Create request types that contain the name you want to use, then create dummy tickets with them. That will touch the name to the db.
  2. Re-create the request types in the "Hidden from portal" group with the same names.
  3. Delete the first dummy request types created.
  4. Create the automation rules to edit the Customer Request Type with the name desired.

Like I said, clunky, but it works now. Likely a one-off situation, but is someone does happen to need it, and stumbles across this, at least it's documented.

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Fabian Lim
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September 20, 2021

Hi @Joshua Cotterell

Why don't you use a separate customfield instead of changing the customer request type?

My understanding is that customer request types could be different issue types with different fields and workflows and changing the value will cause issues.


Joshua Cotterell September 20, 2021

The Customer Request Type field is being used for metrics, and we have a LOT using it. It would be a HUGE undertaking to change that, but thank you for the response and seggestion.

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Joshua Cotterell September 20, 2021

Screen shots added for amplifying details.

Then part of Rule.pngChosen Field.pngDummy Request Type.pngHidden Field.pngIf part of Rule.pngRule Trigger.pngAudit Log for error.png

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