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Prefill Description in one Request Type on Jira Service Management

Vera_wyss July 2, 2024

Before the update to Jira 9.12.7, i had that the description was prefilled in one Request Type with a Script Runner Behaviour and it worked until the last update to Jira Data Center 9.12.7 and Jira Service Management 5.12.7. So does anyone know, how to do a description prefill just for one Request Type?


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Ciara TN
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July 3, 2024

Hi Vera, 

Welcome to the Atlassian Community. 

Can you advise what version of Scriptrunner you are running please? 

Thank you 

Vera_wyss July 3, 2024

Hi Ciara, thank you.
We use Script Runner version 8.31.0
Best regards

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Ciara TN
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July 3, 2024

Can you check if all modules are enabled in the app? 

And that the behaviour itself is enabled.

If it is enabled then can you see it being executed when the form is loaded? 

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Vera_wyss July 3, 2024

where do i find the modules in the app?

the behaviour itseld is enabled.

no it is not executed, there is nothing in the execution.

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Ciara TN
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July 3, 2024

Go to Administration > Manage Apps > expand on Scriptrunner: 

You can see the modules enabled on the right hand side: 


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Vera_wyss July 3, 2024

thanks, there are 267 modules and we have 264 enabled.. the following 3 are disabled

  • configuration-manager-spi-handler-packages
  • Canned comments resource (jsd-canned-comment-loader)
  • Resource for fragment popup helper (fragment-resource)


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