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Permissions and Assignes

bete.lopes February 20, 2020

I have two situations in Service Desk to solve:


1. One person create a issue in portal service desk. This issue would be saw for a group of persons. when this issue is closed, all team can view.


2. One person create a issue in portal service desk. This issue would be assign to a group of persons. Anyone could to solve.

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Bharath Kumar Kappala
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 20, 2020

Hi @bete.lopes  Welcome to the Atlassian Community

1. for your first question you can use Issue security schemes, set the issue security for the ticket after its is created using post functions in the workflow this way only users in the security scheme will be able to view the tickets and then when the ticket is resolved use the transition to remove the security scheme that way you can make the issue visible to all the users (again this depends on your permission scheme set for the project)

2. In JSD or Jira you cant assign a issue to a group of people it can be assigned only to a single user.

bete.lopes February 21, 2020

Hi @[deleted] 

Thanks for your answer.

I am try execute the steps.

But I didn't understand how would be configurated the Issue Security Level. I have two situations:

One group is Agents in Service Desk. They are People and they have role.

Other group is Customers. They are Organizations.

Can you help me again? 

Bharath Kumar Kappala
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 21, 2020

@bete.lopes Here is how you would set up Security schemes in Jira

If you still have questions hit me up on my email and I will help you.

bete.lopes February 21, 2020

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