Hi Everybody.
We are manufacturing company which outsource lots of components to other workshops outside of our company. The outsource procedure is as follows:
1- All of the desired components (issues) (i1, i2,...) are been listed as requested items by our logistics manager.
Note: There are 8 different operations (O1, O2, ..., O8) which some of them (according to the components), has to be done on the item to finish the issue. and also there are a list of workshops (W1,W2,...Wn) which can do the operations.
2- A product manager sees the list and determines which operations is needed to complete the issue and what is the corresponding workshop who can do the operation then the issues are delivered to the specified workshops.
(for example for issue i1 the operations "O2 has to be done by workshop W1" the operations O6 has to be done by workshop W5 and the operations O7 has to be done by workshop W10)
3- An outsourcing manager always keeps track of every issue's manufacturing process and records the quantity of the components (issue) finished every operation without any fault after completing every operation.
4- The issue is done when all of the designated operations are done, and after that the outsourcing manager delivers the items to our storeroom.
We are new to Jira and needs the suggestion to how implement this workflow.