Not receiving Email Notifications

Fernando Suarez February 18, 2021


Despite enabling and disabling the email notifications, i cannot receive any emails.

Can anyone help me?

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February 18, 2021

Hi Fernando,

Welcome to the community!

Could you please provide more information about what notifications you are not receiving? Like if are service desk notifications, or issue updates notifications, or any other notification.

You mentioned that you already tried to enable and disabled it, did you follow the page below?

I strongly recommend checking the documentation above, follow the steps and perform the checks that are mentioned there.

Please give it a try and let me know how it goes.



Fernando Suarez February 22, 2021

We performed a check on JIRA notification helper but it did not find issues despite any emails come to my inbox.

Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 22, 2021

Hi Fernando,

What we can do to troubleshoot this is to add another user in the same ticket as you, perform some action, and then check if at least the user will receive the email.

In case the user receives the email, we will know that the issue is probably related to your mailbox. Otherwise, probably there is some outgoing mail issue on your instance.

Also, could you please provide more information about what notifications you are not receiving? Like if are service desk notifications, or issue updates notifications, or any other notification.

Please, check the information above and let me know how it goes.



Fernando Suarez February 22, 2021

Hi Carlos,

Other watchers receive email notifications, but still im not receiving...

What do you think?

Fernando Suarez June 8, 2021

Hi @carlosughini can you help me please?



Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 28, 2021

Hi @Fernando Suarez ,

My apologies for the delay to get back to you, I didn't see the notification.

Are you since February without receiving notifications at all or there are some notifications that you are receiving?

It is important to note that, if other users are getting the notifications and you are not, then we need to check two things:

  • Someone else is taking the actions that should notify you (it won't mail you for your own changes by default)
  • Your mail

Your mail possibility is that the mail is going missing at the mail server or client side. Could you please check all your inboxes and spam? Check that your mail client is not automatically deleting anything (like spam). 

I strongly recommend checking both documentation below:

Please check the information above and let me know how it goes.



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