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Not Getting Replies on Tickets

Jose Mendoza
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February 20, 2020

Hi there,

We are having an issue where one of our clients is logging support tickets, but we are not getting any of their replies in the ticket(s). It is weird cause they are able to send us an email in the first place, but we're just not getting their replies so I assume it has something to do with our jira 'reply to' email setup, but the issue so far is happening for one client/email only.

We have checked the junk folder and their replies aren't there either.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 21, 2020

Hi Jose,


here is a list of things you can try

I would advice to double check the Request Type and the Global Mail Settings.

Check the "Email Request" Log within the JSD Project, to see what is happening with the incoming emails. 

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