Non-Jira users as approvers in Jira Service Desk

Brandon Goure
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July 31, 2019

Hi guys - 

I'm part of an organization with 50k employees and our current Jira user base reaches only about 2,000 of our employees, for the most part it works just fine but we're developing an approval workflow for some of our ticket/requests on the Jira Service Desk. In the approver field I added, it seems to only search for current Jira users, not the organization's complete employee directory which is a problem because about 20% of the tickets we have requires approvals from people who do not currently user Jira.

My 2 questions here;

1. is it possible to expand and link the approver field to search for everybody listed in my organization (say via the MS exchange directory or facebook workplace or something like that?)


2. Is it possible to manually add a name/email of the user that is not in Jira and ensure that the email is still sent to the approver?



1 answer

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Negin Nafari
August 1, 2019

For question 1 :  you can add a user picker field as Approvers. So in case there is a group (in you AD) that contains all the customers of the specific organization, that might be useful.

You can use a single user picker and filter out that specific group.

Schermata 2019-08-01 alle 16.14.43.png

Hope this suggestion can help

Negin Nafari

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