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No matter WHO does something, notifications to our team are FROM the service desk "Project Lead"

Aileen Honess May 21, 2020


We find it confusing when a member of the "service desk team" does something (responds, for example) to an "issue" in the service-desk project, but the Jira "notification" indicates that the "project lead" has performed the action.

We expect the notification to indicate that the team member performed it!

Where is the setting to change/fix this? Alternatively, what are we doing wrong?

Thank you!

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 22, 2020

Hello Aileen,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

Reading the details you provided, I believe that this is happening due to an Automation.

By default, Service Desk projects have some automation in order to automatically change statuses when an agent or customer adds a comment to a ticket and this automation must run on behalf of a project administrator.

To confirm if that's the case, please go to Project settings > Automation. On this page, you can see who is the default user that runs the automation and opening an automation rule you can change the specific rule to run as the user who performed the action, but this won't work when a customer makes some change on a ticket through the portal.

Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 15.57.57.png

Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 15.58.55.png


Aileen Honess May 22, 2020

Thanks for your advice Angélica!


I think that must be it.  I see the "Configuration" that you highlight above that the "Rules will run as if performed by the following user:" indeed has selected the "project lead".

I'll go figure out how to change that now, since the drop down doesn't give me any other options (including "the user that triggered this rule").


Please note that I have only two "Automation" rules defined.

- Comment updates reply status

- Update Jira linked issues

Neither of those seem applicable to ALL of the situations that seem to trigger notifications, but I will dig into that as well...

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Aileen Honess May 22, 2020

After a few experiments and a bit of time, I'll come back and "accept answer" if it solves this!  :-)

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Aileen Honess May 22, 2020

For anyone reading this, the key is that the top-level "Configuration" will always be a specific user.  Individual rules can be changed to "The user that triggered this event".

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