Hi all
Just wanted to share my solution for pulling approvers from groups into an approver field for use within Jira Service Management.
It involves Automation for Jira. The method you'll be using is a rule that sends a web request to Jira itself, to pull the members of a group, you can either set the web request with a specific group OR, a very cool part, is that it accepts smart values, so you can have a group picker field with a prefilled value in the form itself and the rule will pull the members of the group you've set in the prefilled value of the group picker field.
You'll need to generate a bearer token to use, or use basic auth if desired.
The url for the web request is as follows
To use a smart value from a group picker field with a preset value in the form
or if you just want to have a load of if/else blocks to have the group that's chosen be dependent on what's selected in a custom field for example
Icons that showed faces removed, but here's an example of a ticket pulling the members
We currently have self service on our portal forms to ask approval of the user in the 'Managed by' attribute in Active Directory for Security Groups and Distribution lists by syncing the groups as Insight objects via an LDAP sync. What we've found recently, is that teams have required additional approvers on these requests automatically in case someone is OOO. A way round this, is for the additional users to be set in one of the extensionAttribute's in Active Directory, and synced to a Jira User attribute against the Security Group or Distribution List object within Insight.
The format for inputting these values in Active Directory is username1||username2||username3
We've combined our new attribute 'Additional Approvers', with our 'Owner' attribute and used Insight's own automation to combine the two values into a new Insight attribute called Approvers, couple with a post function on the workflow to pull the values of this attribute, we are able to populate a user picker field for Jira Service Management approvals with both the owner of the group and the additional approvers.