Modify CSS property

Simon G_
September 10, 2014


I'm configuring my Service desk, I have created a new request type with different field in there. It works fine, however, I have noticed that if my field help is too long, on customer interface, this help is displayed on the bottom of my filed instead of being displayed on the right... That's pretty ugly!

I can correct this easily with CSS modification, but is that possible to do?

Otherwise, is it a known bug? Maybe there is a better solution.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 11, 2014

Hi Takar,

You may be hitting a formatting bug (JSD-775). This bug has been resolved in JIRA Service Desk 2.0.2 and the fix is also live in OnDemand.



Designer, JIRA Service Desk

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