Member in Project Lead and Project Administrator not able to assign/modify priority to bugs.

SUHAS BHUJBAL December 9, 2018


I am new to JIRA. Struggling with following scenario.

2 members one from Project Lead group and one from Project Admin group not able to modify OR assign "Priority" for Bugs.


Best Regards,




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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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December 10, 2018

Please go to project settings > permissions and verify that the groups these individuals are in have the necessary permissions. If it isn’t clear please provide a screenshot of your permissions.

SUHAS BHUJBAL December 10, 2018


SUHAS BHUJBAL December 10, 2018

One more thing Currently EDIT and CREATE screen dont have Priority field. If I need to add this field then I need to modify screen which is shared by many projects. What will be the best solution?




Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 10, 2018

if you look at the "Edit" permission the only group that can edit are "Developers". Check if the members are members of that group or add the group they are in to that (and likely others) scheme. Basically, you need to spend a bit of time on the permission schema as a whole to ensure it meets your needs.

Regarding your second question let me first state that you should make use of the "Search" bar at the top of this page as you will more quickly find most of your answers. If you don't you should post a new question. This keep the Community threads clean and helpful for all. With that said, generally Priority is a field that you want on most projects and as such I would simply add the field to the shared screen. Then, for any projects that do not require the field they can either ignore or you can create a new Screen scheme and apply to those projects.

There is a lot of good documentation on the Atlassian Support site so I encourage you to explore there too. Here is one that might help -

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