Limited visibility comments do not produce email notifications

Kirill Karpelson
November 20, 2011


When we make limited visibility comments we expect to get email notifications but we do not.

Please advise.

Thanks, Kirill

2 answers

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Kirill Karpelson
November 20, 2011

Hi Adam,

Thanks for responding. we have a role, called "Support". I am a member of that role. When someone else from that role leaves a comment only visible to Support, I expect that members of support receive the notification. We do not.

And yes, I do receive notifications on comments that I myself leave.

Thanks, Kirill

0 votes
Adam Saint-Prix
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 20, 2011


When you say "we" expect to get notifications, who is "we". Are the people that are able to view the comments getting notifications?

Are you not getting notifications because you have "do not notify me of my own changes" ticked in your user profile?

Try looking at this KB article on troubleshooting email notifications to see if that helps.

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