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Limit acces to multiple service desks by Directory or else

Josh February 10, 2020

Hi guys,

we have three different portals. One for customer email users only, one for german users and one for dutch users. On the service desk summary page, all the jira customers (everyone who has an account on this instance)  see all three customer portals.


Basically i want no one to see the email portal, since there are anyway no visible request types. And i want only german users (LDAP Directory) to see the german portal and so on.

Is there a solution without adding every single user to a portal as a customer? Maybe plugins?


2020-02-10 14_34_08- - Remotedesktopverbindung.png

2 answers

1 vote
Florian Edian February 10, 2020

Hi Joshua,

The only way if you do not want to add customers specifically inside each portal is to use Extension for Jira Service Desk.

This plugin allows you to show/hide certain request types to customers on portal.


0 votes
Mike Bowen
Rising Star
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February 10, 2020

Hi @Josh 

  1. How do you have an email portal? There shouldn't be a portal for email requests
  2. Do you want the German and Dutch portals to have their own Key or do they currently see the same request types on the screen? 
  3. Do you know who your Dutch and German customers are? 

You should be able to have separate portals, but please answer the questions above so I can understand exactly what you have / want. 



Josh February 11, 2020

Hi Mike,


1. For me it was the easiest way to setup a mail in function for our customers. Should i use a different way? Maybe you can send ma a link to a better way, that would be perfect!

2. They have their own keys as it should be. But once you are on the dutch portal for example, you can click on "Helpcenter" and you get to the main page where you get a summary of all portals. But they should only see the dutch portal. 

3. I usally know who they are, they are internal users coming from seperated Active Directories but they are to many to add them one by one.

Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 12, 2020

Hi @Josh 

Thanks for answering the questions. 

Why do you NOT want to add customers to organisations?

That is your solution. given you know who your Dutch or German customers are and you have your portals set up already. I assume you created two Jira Service Desks, each mirroring the other.

In the Dutch portal you would only add the dutch organisations, therefore those dutch customers will only see the Dutch Portal.

Likewise for the German portal you would only add the german organisations,  therefore those german customers will only see the Dutch Portal. 

e.g. Und

  • Jos - ABC (D)
  • Joost - ABC (D)
  • Verstappen - ABC (D)
  • Sebastian - JKL (G)
  • Vettle - JKL (G)
  • Schumacher - JKL (G)


With regards to email, as there are no request types there is no need for a portal. Customer simply emails your default jira email address (German or Dutch) and requests appear in your Jira Service Desk. When your agents add comments to the tickets an email notification is sent back to your email customers. 

Your email customers don't need to be added to organisations. 



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