Jira Service Desk supported fields

ahmedredahussien February 17, 2021

What are the Jira Service Desk supported fields ? I need to know all the fields I could add to the screen schema and could be displayed on the Service Request Service Desk UI.

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Jack Brickey
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February 17, 2021

I don't understand the question. Are you asking for all of the default system fields? Realize you can add custom fields which would make providing an accurate answer here impossible. Maybe you can articulate what you are trying to accomplish or maybe reviewing the documentation would be a good place to start? 

ahmedredahussien February 18, 2021

Thank you so much for your prompt reply.
As per this documentation https://product-downloads.atlassian.com/software/jira/downloads/documentation/SERVICEDESKSERVER031.pdf  Section : Hidden fields and unsupported fields, mentioned that JIRA Service Desk support only specific fields, i need to know all of them. Is there any article or documentation which explicitly define those fields supported by Service Desk (i.e. there are only specific supported fields to be added to Service Desk Screen, i need to know them ) if i found they will satisfy my company need I will use them else i will create a custom fields. 

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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February 18, 2021

I cannot access that document. Also that is a server doc it seems. Are you sure you want server?

ahmedredahussien February 18, 2021

Correct our company is using the cloud one , is there a document for the supported fields for Service Desk?

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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February 18, 2021

I'm thinking that maybe "supported fields" refers to the types of custom fields maybe? 


For Classic I didn't immediately find a reference but expect it is out there. However, you can easily see what is available simply by creating a new custom field and perusing the option. There are standard and advanced fields.

another interesting article default-form-fields-for-change-requests 

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