Jira Service Desk - order by remaining time (SLA)

Patrick Guiran December 18, 2013


I would like to order issues by "remaining time" defined by SLA. The problem is for breached issues.

Example :
ID | remaining time
ticket #2 | 0:40
ticket #1 | 1:35
ticket #3 | -0:30

Why the ticket #3 is not in first position ?

Thank for your help,


4 answers

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 22, 2013

Hi Patrick

Issues are ranked by time remaining for SLA fields only when the SLA is ongoing. Any completed issues are ranked last. This enables a Queue to be sorted by an SLA field and have issues with an ongoing SLA always appear first.

If you are seeing some unexpected behaviour in how SLA fields are ordered on a Queue could you paste a screenshot of the Queue in edit mode with the 'Tickets to show' area in 'Advanced' mode (so the underlying JQL is visible) - I'll have a look and help you get to the bottom of it.

0 votes
Patrick Guiran December 22, 2013

Hi Judd,

I provide two screenshot with problems I see.
maybe I don't understand well the definition of "ongoing".

Thanks for you reply :-)

0 votes
Patrick Guiran December 19, 2013

Hi Daryl,

Thanks for the information. Don't be able to sort by SLA correctly kill this feature of Service Helpdesk.

I want my team to deal with issue by "time remaining" order. I will have to make two blocks in dashboard : one for breached SLA, one for non-breached SLA :-/

I watch and put a vote one the issue.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 18, 2013

Hi Patrick

It seems like it is a bug behaviour which is already been report in here: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSD-206

Please feel free to comment and add yourself as watcher in order to receive any latest updates from the developer and feedback from other user that is facing the same issue.

For more information on how Atlassian implements bug fixes: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Bug+Fixing+Policy?utm_source=support

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