Jira Service Desk - Report on "Activity Comments"

We have a jira service desk instance and would like to report on the Activity comments section in the ticket that gets created.  Often our comments are used as a dialect between our service representatives and the client.  We would like to report on that in a sequential report that would show conversation by ticketId.  This will help to tell a story of the status of the ticket.  

Can this be done? 

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 22, 2019

Hello @Skience NYL Bitbucket Acct (Tag Giese's old acct),

Thank you for reaching out.

I understand that you would like to have a report/list displaying a number of issues against the comments added to it. Is it correct?

I would suggest you export your issues to a CSV file. Doing that, you would have a list of the issues you want with their respective comments at the right columns that you will be able to see in a clear way with external spreadsheet software (Excel, LibreOffice, etc). These would be the steps:

1 - Navigate to your issue navigator > Create a filter to return the issues you want

2 - Click on the export button > Export Excel CSV (All fields)

Screen Shot 2019-10-22 at 16.58.04.png

3 - Open the file > Delete the not relevant columns, leaving the issue key together with the comments

Let me know if this option achieves your needs.

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