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Jira Automation Smart value for Priority isn't returning correct value

Wim Abts December 21, 2022


We added an automation rule that will add a comment every time the priority of a ticket changes.

This seemed to be working fine but we just came across some values in the comment that is being generated, that aren't the real value of the priority field but some kind of translation.
The Smart value used is:  {{}}

This seems to be the case when the user has selected another language in his profile.

How this 'normal' behavior? 
Is there a possible smart value that would return the name in English? 

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Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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December 21, 2022

Hey @Wim Abts ,

Interesting case. I don't seem to be able to find anything related to it in the documentation other than that the field name  can be accessed using the rule actor's language/translation.

Nothing about the value returned tho.

Are you able to run the rule as a generic user (like Automation for Jira) to see if it returns the English value each time?

While not ideal that could be a workaround for now.

Also nothing on the public bug tracker about it I can find. Might need to log this one as a support ticket (

Wim Abts December 21, 2022

Hi @Dirk Ronsmans 

We are running the automation with a specific 'no-reply' user that has no specific language set.
What is even more bizar, the user creating the ticket is a portal only user (customer) who can set his language.
Than when the rule kicks in, the value retrieved seems to be the value in the reporters language....

Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 21, 2022

Could you share more details about the rule configuration itself?

Also, are you able to add a "log" action to see what exactly the rule spits out? I'm going to assume that any user on the system (even that noreply one) had a default language set (which should be the system language)

Where are you putting the value? In an email or a comment or... ?

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