E Lin _alittlenooneblog_ February 21, 2024

I have a question, I was trying to build a portfolio view, and was wondering if there a way that I can build a JQL with all the kanban boards and the Initiative tickets without labels  is there an example because right now I use the kanban boards but the initial ticket won't show up? 

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Jack Brickey
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February 21, 2024

Hi @E Lin _alittlenooneblog_ ,

I don't understand exactly what you mean by a portfolio view so it is hard for me to provide you an answer with a high-level of confidence. My second comment is around building a jql with all the Kanban boards. I am guessing that you want to create a jql that returns all of the issues that appear on multiple kanban boards. Assuming this is correct then you would need to create a jql that equates to each individual jql filter that defines the current boards.

simple example

  • board1 : project = abc
  • board2 : project = ayz

If I want to create a JQL that encompasses both boards then it would be: project in (abc, xyz)

Next you mention "without labels". What exactly do you mean here? Do you mean to find all issues where the Labels field is empty? Assuming so then in the above example I would create a jql like this - project in (abc, xyz) and labels is empty

Finally, you indicate that the initial ticket won't show up. I don't know what you mean by initial ticket.

E Lin _alittlenooneblog_ February 21, 2024

@Jack Brickey Basically, I am creating a roadmap: portfolio plan view and I want the Jira ticket to appear in hierarchy order, when I include multiple Kanban boards, it seems that it doesn't appear the initial Jira ticket which it would be the Initiative - epic - user story- tasks and subtasks, this is specific to the workstreams, none of the tickets connect with labels, I am trying to create a  filter that might help me achieve this? Maybe any filters that i  can use to adjust my kanban boards?  Does this make sense? I apologizes

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