JQL to search members of "Request participants" custom field created by JIRA Service Desk

January 2, 2015

What would be the JQL to search for members of the "Request participants" custom field that it's created after enabling the JIRA Service Desk add-on

3 answers

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Lindsay Barton
January 2, 2015

Are you trying to find a list of all users who have ever been listed as Request participants? You could use JQL along the lines of the following:

"Request participants" is not EMPTY

Then you could modify which columns are visible so that the various Request participants are in front of you.

You can treat the Request participants field as you would other user fields, e.g. by searching for issues where Request participants are members of the administrators group:

"Request participants" in membersOf("administrators")

Request participants must also already be customers in your Service Desk. But I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to solve – if this doesn't help, could you clarify?

Amarillas Erika
November 2, 2023

Hi, I'm currently struggling with the JQL query for a scheduled automation, I wanted to search issue that doesn't have the specified Request Participants, do perhaps know how to implement it? My automation rule is like this:

When scheduled run every friday
JQL is issuetype = X AND status in (A, B, C) AND ("Request participants" not in (CodeNameX) OR "Request participants" not in (CodeNameY))

My concern is that this condition reads all the past tickets which will throttle the automation if run since 10000 issues where found.

0 votes
Keith Rowe
March 27, 2020

Came across this post looking for the Cloud answer. Which I posted here.

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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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January 2, 2015

Try the following:

username/assignee/reporter in "Request participants"
January 2, 2015

No. that doesn't work.

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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January 2, 2015

What exactly you tried? And what is the error?

January 2, 2015

Operator 'in' does not support the non-list value '"Request participants"' for field 'assignee'.

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
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January 2, 2015

Oh ok. I haven't seen that custom field before but just wanted to give it a try! Sorry it didn't work.

Rodolfo Romero
Rising Star
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January 2, 2015

No problem. You should have notice that this is a JIRA Service Desk question and anyone familiar with this add-on would know about this custom field. ;)

Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 2, 2015

It is funny because we use the add-on and don't see the custom field. We are using the server version though!

Rodolfo Romero
Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 2, 2015

I just checked the Release Notes and it seems this feature hasn't made it yet to the Server version. It's only available in Cloud. It's a great feature that allows you to share JIRA Service Desk features with other members of the organization through the Customer Portal.

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