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JQL Question re Linked Issues

Peter Garcia
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January 5, 2024

Hello, I'm new here.

I'm looking to pull all issues that have a/any linked ticket that the ID/Key starts with "CAST".

Is this possible?



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Trudy Claspill
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January 5, 2024

Hello @Peter Garcia 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

By "pull" do you mean you trying to construct an issue search filter?

When you say the ID/Key "starts with CAST, do you mean issues with keys like CAST-123 only, or would you also want to include issues with keys like CASTOFF-123? Is "CAST" the complete project key or just the first part of multiple projects' keys?

Would you want to include in your output issues from the CAST* projects that themselves are linked to other issues in the CAST* projects?

Are you working with Jira Cloud or Jira Server/Data Center?

Native Jira issue filtering functionality will not be capable of getting the results you want. Do you have or are you willing to purchase third party apps that will extend the issue filtering capabilities, like Adaptavist's ScriptRunner app? There are other apps that also extend the functionality.

Peter Garcia
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 8, 2024

Hi Trudy. Thank you for replying:

By "pull" do you mean you trying to construct an issue search filter?

- Yes.

When you say the ID/Key "starts with CAST, do you mean issues with keys like CAST-123 only,

- Yes, the key is like CAST-123.

Would you want to include in your output issues from the CAST* projects that themselves are linked to other issues in the CAST* projects?

- No, We are only looking to get any issues from another project (project name = BAIT) that are dependent v(ia linked issues) on on CAST projects.

Are you working with Jira Cloud or Jira Server/Data Center?

- Not sure. How do I check this?

Native Jira issue filtering functionality will not be capable of getting the results you want. Do you have or are you willing to purchase third party apps that will extend the issue filtering capabilities, like Adaptavist's ScriptRunner app? There are other apps that also extend the functionality.

- Unfortunately this is not my call. I'll let the business know and inquire if they are willing to purchase 3rd party apps.


Thanks again.


Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 8, 2024

Jira Server/DC vs. Jira Cloud:

In Jira Server/DC many screens have the application version information at the bottom of the page. It can be found at the bottom of the Login screen and Dashboard screens and the text looks similar to this:

Atlassian Jira Project Management Software (v9.10.1#9100001

What do you want to do with the results of this query?

How often do you need to get this information?

Do you know if already have any third party apps available to you that extend the issue filtering capabilities?

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