JIRA Service Desk doesn't send certain e-mail notifications

Benjamin Richards February 6, 2018

Hi All,

I've been a bit stumped recently with notifications not working - we're using JSD and I want all watchers to be able to receive an email when a status is changed and mainly when a comment has been added without the need of using an @ to add someone. The setup is below, and I've checked the notifications helper and everything is checked and lighting up green.. any ideas?

Issue Created (System)

Outgoing email is enabled..

Thanks in advance


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Jack Brickey
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February 7, 2018

@Benjamin Richards, couple questions for you -

  1. have you checked w/ the Notification Helper to verify that it believes a user will get notified for a specific use case, e.g. comment added?
  2. has this previously worked and recently stopped or never worked?
Benjamin Richards February 7, 2018

1. Yes have checked the notification helper and its all green..

2. I think it has but starting to doubt myself.. so I'm going to go with no.

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Benjamin Richards February 6, 2018

 Even when added as a "Participant" notifications are not being sent, the only time is when you @ a person and or set an automation to email Service desk users..

Is there a conflict maybe with internal staff being added to the organisation of a ticket that has been raised?

Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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February 7, 2018

Hi Ben,

It's important to note that Service Desk Customers generally only receive Service Desk Notifications which are configured separately in the "Customer Notifications" section of project settings.

Your screen shot shows only Notifications which will only apply to users who have at a minimum browse permissions to the service desk.    Is that your intention?


Benjamin Richards February 7, 2018

Hi Susan,

Here is another screenshot - So internal users (staff) are also part of the customer organization.. so it is really odd.

Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 13.50.52.png

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