JIRA Cloud - Change wallboard text gadget background color

Jason Carpenter October 15, 2018

Up until recently our wallboard view had a background color of black. Not long ago it changed to white which is harder on the eyes. I've always understood that the settings do not allow you to modify the look and feel of the wallboard view. However this change made me want to get a definitive answer to this, because the new look is less appealing to use. Can someone please advise?

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 16, 2018

Hi Jason,

Indeed the wallboard color cannot be changed. We had a feature request suggesting this, but it was closed as "Won't fix" (JRACLOUD-38462).
I've tested on a test instance using Google Chrome and it shows a black background.
Can you please test using another browser and incognito mode?
Was there any add-on installed recently that may have affected the wallboard background color?


Jason Carpenter October 17, 2018

This has been tested on multiple machines, and is primarily used on a raspberry pi running chromium using incognito and kiosk mode. However I have also tried it on a desktop and using regular browser mode. Since this is jira cloud we cannot modify the css that I am aware of, so I am only left assuming this is something done by atlassian or the author of the widget. When you inspect the element on the page, it shows the css is setting it as white, not black. So this is not our doing.

Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 19, 2018

Hi Jason,

Can you please share with us a screenshot of the wallboard?
I've tested here but it always shows black.


Jason Carpenter October 19, 2018

Here is a screenshot in Chrome and another in Chrome Incognito.Capture.JPGCapture2.JPG

Jason Carpenter October 19, 2018

I'm also getting this error in the web browser console, not sure if this is related but it seems to be.


Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 23, 2018

Hi Jason,

Thank you for the details.
On my test instance I have two gadgets on my dashboard and one it's showing black and another is showing white and it also shows the same error message.
I found two bugs related to this issue:
- https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-69832
- https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-70570

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Jason Carpenter October 23, 2018

Thanks, I have done just that. Hopefully these bugs are fixed and receive attention soon.

Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 23, 2018

You are always welcome Jason!
If you have any other question, please count on us.


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