Issues with files attached

Guillermo Rosas
November 14, 2017

When a customer creates a ticket through e-mail, most of the times I see in the field attached the logos of the customer as an image, and it is mixed with important information attached as XML, other important images, etc... so it makes a confusion

I understand that images are part of the sign of the company, but, is there a way to fix that?



1 answer

1 vote
Eduard M
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 24, 2017

Hello Guillermo,

There is an open bug for this issue:

Please review comments and vote for the issue. Additionally you may be able to find third-party plugins that allow attachment blacklisting by filename pattern. Hope this helps.

Guillermo Rosas
November 27, 2017

Hi Eduard,

Thanks, I will vote for the issue.


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