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Issues are not getting created automatically

Capital Careers August 21, 2020

I have setup one email as the default for JSD, whoever is emailing on that email the issue get created. Now, sometime it happens that 2-3 emails are not creating or not detected by JIRA. May I know the reason or any settings to make sure all emails to that particular id comes to JSD automatically and creates issue.



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Rising Star
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August 22, 2020

Ask yourself these questions:

Is it a dedicated mail address that is used by Jira only or is anyone deleting mails manually - let’s say in outlook - before Jira gets a chance to receive the mail?

Can you validate that the mail is actually delivered and not suppressed by you spam filter?

Who is allowed to create tickets in you installation? When your JSD requires a valid user account maybe the sender is not a valid user. 

If can sort all this out then everything should work. 

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 22, 2020

And check the email logs in Jira for more clues - project settings > email requests

Capital Careers August 25, 2020


Thanks for your valuable response. However the email which we are using is completely dedicated to JSD and no one else is using that email and also the email is coming in inbox but not logging in JSD.

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