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Issue with tickets created via email August 30, 2019


We currently have a 3-user license server instance to evaluate JSD and some add-ons. Our current Tracking system uses an email address of which our Clients email and this raises a ticket in our current system.

For JIRA, we have setup a new mailbox '' and all mails sent by our Clients to are also getting routed to this test mailbox.

We have defined our IMAP mail server and Incoming Mail Handler to create users that don't  have an existing account on the system (Notify users is unticked). 

Unfortunately, we are seeing that some new tickets are not getting raised in our JIRA system. We suspected this was due to our 3 user limited license so we unticked the default user access option so that new users wouldn't be added to our servicedesk group and thereby utilise a license which would not be available.

Unfortunately, this hasn't helped us. 

Is there anything else we can check in terms of ensuring all tickets are getting raised in the JIRA system?


Many thanks


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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 30, 2019

With JSD your licensed user are only agents, not customers which are free. 

Make sure that the those users trying to create issues as customers are indeed listed as customers unless you have it configured to be public - “anyone can add an issue”. August 30, 2019

Hello Jack,

Thank you so much for your prompt response.

If I can give you some background. I had initially setup JSD server evaluation on my personal laptop. We wanted to allow other stakeholders access in order to assist with the evaluation so we installed JIRA Server 3-user instance on a separate server. We then did an XML import from my personal instance into this new server.

So the configuration under User Management-> Groups is:

- jira-Customers  (group I setup on my personal instance which was brought over)

- jira-administrators (2)

-jira-servicedesk-users (3)

Under Customer Permissions for the Project:


- Customer who have an account on this JIRA site (this was what was setup on my personal instance and worked ok)

I have now changed to the following which required me to enable 'Public Signup'

- Anyone can email the service desk or raise a request in the portal

It doesn't seem to have made any difference.

How can I check that users trying to create issues as customers are indeed listed as Customers? Some tickets can come in from new users who may not already be registered on the system. Ideally, I want the Mail Handler to process these emails so tickets get created in JIRA and a user is created based on the email reporter (without notifying them) as per what is defined in the Mail Handler.

When I check the Mail Handler and Test it, it is returning the error attached.


PLEASE HELP - this was working without issue on my personal instance......

Any help would be hugely appreciated.

Kind Regards


Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 30, 2019

Mary, ok so hang on a second. I think i see a (the?) problem. It appears you are using the Jira incoming email handler rather then the JSD email channel. Please have a look at project > project settings > email requests. You should have your test email configured there. I may be mistaken as you are on Server and I on Cloud.

p.s. i attempted to create a ticket on your system given your post included your email (generally a bad idea unless you will kill it later. you may wish to redact this). August 30, 2019

Hi Jack,

Thanks again, I have set it up as per this link:

And I had checked this also and can confirm that under Project -> Project Settings -> Email requests, the test mailbox is already in place here.

Thanks again for your kind input.


Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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August 30, 2019

that link is for Jira

please ensure you have followed the steps in this article. September 2, 2019

Hi Jack,

Thank you again for your reply. Can you repeat the link you reference above as it is saying there are invalid parameters in the URL. 

I will absolutely check this also to try and ensure I have set it up correctly.

Thank you for the kind help.


Jack Brickey
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 2, 2019

Updated above.

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