Is it possible to create and use your own design for Service Desk?

Paul Rutkiewitz March 26, 2018


is it possible to create your own pages and use an interface (for free usage if it's possible) for login and so on?

We want to create our own Layout with our corporate design for the frontend. That means we build up the pages with HTML and CSS and we want to use the existing javascript functions. We know that there are plugins like Refined Theme and Ultimate Theming but we don't want to pay for this because we have our own developers.


Kind regards

1 answer

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Asim K
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 27, 2018

Hi Paul,


Please note that if you are referring to customization of service desk portal, it is not possible as of now. There are few suggestions around this feature which might be favoring your use case. I would recommend you watch them and vote for them to let them pick up some traction.


An alternative could be which is a supported feature of Jira Service Desk. It is explained in the article as

The service desk widget is like a mini-portal that you can embed on web pages. Customers can send you requests from anywhere; no login required. Each project has one widget that you can embed on as many pages as you like.

I hope this helps! 

-Asim Khan

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