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Instance health check supported database failed.

Alexander Poryvkin August 15, 2018

We installed jira service desc in trial mode on posgres db some times ago. It was ok.

A day before, we decided to buy a starter license. Now when i start the health check, it shows an error on database support check. It says: PostgreSQL 10.3.0 is not supported.

But it works fine before. What the problem it might be?

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Alexis Robert
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August 15, 2018

Hello @Alexander Poryvkin


from the supported platform page it seems that Jira can only work with the following versions:


  •  PostgreSQL 9.6
  •  PostgreSQL 9.5
  •  PostgreSQL 9.4
  •  PostgreSQL 9.3


You might have not seen the warning before but it looks like your version is not officially supported, even though it might work fine. 

Keep in mind that if you ever run into an issue, it's very likely that Atlassian support will say they won't provide help because of the PostgreSQL version you're using.


Let me know if this helps, 



Alexander Poryvkin August 15, 2018

Thanks, we will try to perform a downgrade.

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