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Insight - Automatically populate object in a custom field based on object in another custom field?

Deleted user March 14, 2022


I have a uses case that I have turned around all sides and cannot get to the bottom of.

Here goes:

  • I have an Insight custom field called "Order" the value of which is selected by the user in the flow.
  • The object in that custom field has an attribute that refers another object called "Item", attribute named "Item name".
  • I have created another Insight custom field also called "Item" for which would like to automatically set the value in a particular transition of the flow.

I'm guessing I should be using an Insight post function, but which one and what should be the IQL to use to correctly refer the second object?

Thank you!

1 answer

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Cathi Davey
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 15, 2022

If I'm following the ask, you have 2 custom fields, one which will be selected in the portal. The other you want populated based on the selection. I did that here in Cloud to update on creation but it's similar for DC and other transition states

Assuming you have Item name as an attribute on Order, you can use dot notation like I did.

Example: your IQL for the lookup would be: Key = {{issue.Order.Item name}} and the Edit issue for the Item field would be Key = {{lookupObjects}}

lookup syntax.pngedit issue syntax.pngIf you allow multiples you'll want to use IN ({{x}}) rather than =

More info can be found here:

Hope this helps,


Deleted user March 17, 2022

Thank you very much for your response, Cathi!

I'm trying to implement this in a DC instance but I'm unable to find the "Lookup objects" action. I'm guessing this is not available in DC, but only on Cloud?

Lookup objects.png

As this is not available for me, what other option do you think I can have for this?

Best regards,


Cathi Davey
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 21, 2022

Ah sorry Alexandru, yes, that's only available in cloud. DC has Insight specific automation and Insight specific post-functions that you can use instead.

For the Insight automation: go to your schema and click on Configure (Object Schema) and click on the automation tab there. These trigger on object changes much like in Cloud Global Automation.

For insight post functions these two links should help:

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