In Jira Service Management; How can i add someone as a collaborator

Paul Silbermann November 23, 2018

How can i add someone as a


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Daniel Eads
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 26, 2018

Hi Paul,

Adding collaborators is pretty straightforward! In Jira 7.0 and up, this is done via the Service Desk Team role on the project.

  1. Navigate to the Project Settings for the project you want to add collaborators on
  2. On the left navbar, click Users and roles
  3. In the upper right, click the Add users to a role link
  4. Select the user you want to add and choose the Service Desk Team role
  5. Click the Add button to save the changes

If you didn't already see it, you can read more about what permissions Collaborators have here.


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September 11, 2020

Hello Daniel,

But why is it implemented like that now? Is it because of presumable redundancy of Collaborator role since it still consumes a license? But it says in the documentation that Collaborators can leave only internal comments but the Service Desk Team role for the project gives all the rights to the project that the project team should have but not collaborators. Could you please expand on that?


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ameyer June 22, 2021



Collaborators need to be added to the role "Service Desk Team" in your service management project.

However, these people have NOT been given the access to Jira Service Management. They only have access to Jira Software/Jira Core. Hence you can choose their names in the role of Service Desk Team but because they have no access to JSM, they will NOT count towards the license.

They will still be able to see the issues and write internal comments on them. 

Hope this helps.

azra :)

Lavanya June 28, 2021

Hi @ameyer

In our case, we bought a standard license for Jira Service Management, But we still use free version of Jira software. Now can I add a person who is using free version of Jira software as a collaborator in JSM ?? is that we need to pay for the collaborator license??

Thank you in advance !!

ameyer June 29, 2021

Hi @Lavanya ,


There is no such thing as a collaborator license. :)

I believe that as long as this collaborator person has been entered in your JSW as a user, you can add him/her as a collaborator in your JSM project.

You can always test this by adding him/her to the role "Service Desk Team" in your service management project. If that works well then there is no problem with your free JSW license.

Best regards,

Azra :) 

Lavanya June 29, 2021

Hi @ameyer

Thats the problem here, I added the Collaborator to the role "Service Desk Team", but after adding, the collaborator can use all features that of an agent, I mean as an assignee, can access Queues, reports and so on which should not be the case as per Atlassian support.

In Atlassian support it is stated that:

"Collaborators don't have access to the service desk interface (e.g. queues, reports and SLAs) and service desk projects appear as JIRA projects to them. They cannot work on issues, for example, logging work or transitioning issues."


I think, adding Collaborators doesn't work if we have free JSW.

ameyer June 29, 2021


and if you go Admin area - Users - Collaborator - do you see if he/she has been given the access to JSM?

Lavanya June 29, 2021

Hi @ameyer ,

In admin, it just reflects the users of JSW and not the roles.

ameyer June 29, 2021

Hi @Lavanya 


Please see the attached - does your collaborator has a tick next to the "Jira Service Management" access? 

As a collaborator, this person should NOT have a tick next to this product but only next to the "Jira Software" product - can you double check this please?


Screenshot 2021-06-29 at 11.13.49.png

Lavanya June 29, 2021

Hi @ameyer ,

Thanks for taking time to help me out. I actually didn't add Collaborator to the role "Service Desk Team", instead I changed the permissions setting and now it is working as expected..

Thank you once again.. !!

ameyer June 29, 2021

That's great @Lavanya

I'm glad it works now.

Take care! :) 

Best regards,


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Ivy Ye
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November 18, 2021

Hi @Lavanya, could you please elaborate more about how to "changed the permissions setting and now it is working as expected."? Thanks.

Lavanya November 18, 2021

Hi @Ivy Ye , on JIRA service management (JSM), go to 'Project Settings' -> 'Permissions', here you can change the permissions of every individuals and group of how they can access the JSM. 

Let me know if you have any more questions. 

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Hasan Tekin April 19, 2022

Hi @ameyer , is this role equal to what you called Service-Desk-Team? I need to have this collaborator role, since we do not have JSM licenses no more to occupie for working on help desk tickets. How can i do that from the Admin settings, empower users to collaborator? Thanks a lot Bildschirmfoto 2022-04-19 um 11.48.48.png

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Shannon S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 26, 2018

Hi Paul,

Could you let us know which product this is in relation to? 



Paul Silbermann November 26, 2018

Hi Shannon,

My question is about ServiceDesk

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