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Import CSV into insight without altering Label

Peter Pres
I'm New Here
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May 22, 2022

Hi All,

Hoping someone has a solution for this...


Am trying to import 2 CSV files into Insight. 

First is from System A, second from System B.  

Both sample values refer to the same person, but the name is slightly different (for various reasons).

The common value we link on is UserID...
However, we want the Label to be "Surname, GivenName"

System A

Firstname | Lastname | UserID | Qty
Robert    | Smith | 153486 | 55

System B

GivenName | Surname  | UserID | Phone
Bob     | Smith | 153486 | +61 1234 5678

Desired Result/Record

GivenName | Surname  | UserID | Phone         | Qty
Robert   | Smith | 153486 | +61 1234 5678 | 55


The problem. 

Data locators are working fine and values are appended to the correct record... but when we import the 2 csv files, the label is overwritten EVERY time.   It's constantly being swapped between "Smith, Robert" to "Smith, Bob".

I know we could change the label to be the UserID or something, but we purposely want the label to be a nice human readable name instead of some number - especially on graph view.

I just need to be able to import a CSV WITHOUT updating the Label.  All I want to do is append some data to the record with UserID 153486... i dont want to change the label. 

Is this possible?... I will love you forever if you can tell me how!


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Peter Pres
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
August 30, 2022

Is there really no answer for this?

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