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INSIGHT - Filter linked objects for new objects only

David Harkins
Rising Star
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October 5, 2021

Looking for a solution to the following issue.

We have server and domain objects in the schema as using this as our CMDB.

We do not want to delete entries so keep them for future reference as they are linked to issues.

Domain objects have a Status attribute Active or Retired

Servers, as they belong to a domain, have a domain attribute, however, new servers can only be added to an active domain.

Everything works as expected with the following 'Filter Objects' on the attribute:

Status != Retired

Now when the domain is retired, the servers may not be immediately updated or may required other attribute edits.  Edits are not possible while it's linked domain is not active.

I attempted the following 'Filter Objects'

(Status != Retired) OR (objectType = "Hosting Domains" AND "Domain Name" IN (${Domain}))

which works well for editing all servers.  However, Insight now throws an error when attempting to scroll through the domain list when adding a new server object.

We need a way to filter the Domain objects, when adding a new Server, but still allow the server objects to be edited after the Domain has been marked as retired.



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