I want to automate organization field fill

March 20, 2023

I am having a custom field named "caller" based on the user selection I want to save organization. I am able to do this requirement with Reporter(OOTB Fields), but want the same requirement to do using the custom field "caller".

Is it possible to do in JSM ??

1 comment

Dan Breyen
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March 21, 2023

Sorry, but I'm not fully understanding your question.  If you are using the Organization/Customer structure, it is possible to setup an Automation and and API call to automatically fill in the Organization when an issue is created based on the Reporter's Organization.  If I'm completely missing your question, could you possibly clarify exactly what you're trying to do.

March 21, 2023

The solution you have given is clear and I am able to do it.

With OOTB field Named "Reporter" I am able fill organization.

But what I am asking is, I am having one custom field named "Caller" based on this custom field selection I want to save organization automatically using automation. 

Is it possible to do ??


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