I do not see the public signup section in JIRA Service Desk 2.5 vers

Artem Polischuk
I'm New Here
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July 1, 2015

As expressed in https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/SERVICEDESK/Configuring+public+signup I want to enable public sign up (customer sign up) for my service desk.

and i studied the experience of this issue but it did not help me.

however, when I reach to that particular page, this  is what I see. I don't see any public sign up section.
p.s.: JIRA SD 2.5 version


p.s.s.: my JIRA mode is public 


2 answers

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Sam Omidi
July 1, 2015

You need to change your license to ABP(Agent based) 

or update your license


Sam smile


Artem Polischuk
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 2, 2015

Thank you Sam. Do you mean I need to update license of Service Desk or JIRA in general?

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Paulo Hennig
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 1, 2015

Hello Artem, 

It seems that this page you attached is from the first JSD license. Could you also take a print screen from your Manage add-ons > service desk (Be sure to don't show your license, just want to check the license details and license status).

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