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How to track the amount of times a device went off site for repair in Insights?

Micah Billman October 5, 2021

So I'm trying to keep track of how many times a device has gone to repair so I keep track of how many are going back multiple times.  I am using the CMDB for asset management.  We currently have a Status attribute of "At Repair" and when they come back from repair they get a status of "Repaired".  I would like to track how many and what objects have gone "At Repair" more than once.  However, we can't filter off historical values, you can only filter on current values.  Is there a better way to achieve this that I'm not thinking about?

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Daina Tupule eazyBI
Rising Star
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October 25, 2021

Hi @Micah Billman 


eazyBI supports Insight data analysis for Server and Datacenter. We allow creating reports based on status changes in objects. You can create reports counting how many times an object was moved to a particular status (At Repair). You can count how many objects are At repair at any given period back in time as well.

Here is my report example for Insight objects In Service. Measure Transitions to status counts how many status changes to a status In Service happened at any period. Measure Objects in transition status shows how many objects are In Service at the end of any period.

insight report.png


Daina /

Micah Billman October 25, 2021


Does this show you each object how many times it's transitioned to "In Service"?  Can you filter all the objects that have transitioned to "In Service" more than 2x?

Daina Tupule eazyBI
Rising Star
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October 28, 2021

Hello Micah,


Yes, eazyBI offers both summary reporting and you can also go into details per individual objects as well. Here is a report example where I have a list of all phones with some details, including the transitions to status counter for In Service. I also have a property Object status representing the current status of the objects as well.

insight report on objects.jpg

If needed you can add some custom formulas to count objects by specific rules. 


Daina /

Micah Billman December 14, 2021

Daina, we are looking into eazyBI.  Thank you for your help

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Micah Billman December 22, 2021

@Fabian Lim @Daina Tupule eazyBI eazyBI idea got shut down.  We will not be implementing it at this time.  We're looking into ways to connect our Jira CMDB to a PowerQuery in Excel through an SQL connection.  Does anyone have experience with this?  Can it successfully pull the Historical data for all objects?

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Fabian Lim
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October 20, 2021

Hi @Micah Billman

You can use eazybi reporting that has integration with insight and it may be able to capture status counts the object went to repair status. You may have to contact them directly.

The other option is something that we do with connection to jira service management. When somone creates a "repair request" and selects the object that is affected it connects the tickets to object in insight. I believe there is a report in insight that counts connected tickets on objects based on a specific criteria.

I hope his helps.

Micah Billman December 7, 2021

@Fabian Lim or @Daina Tupule eazyBI Is there a way to do this with the built-in reports in Insights?  I can't find much documentation online on how to build the reports. The data is all in there, just trying to figure out how to use the provided reports without having to go outside Insights.

Fabian Lim
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December 22, 2021

@Micah Billman

Unfortunately, I don't have any method.  Hopefully someone from Atlassian can respond.



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