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How to solve the problem with the error during the move

Nahapetyan _1 June 10, 2024

My task's issutype = Sub-bug. When i move to Sub-task, I get the error as seen in the first screenshot:



But for example, once I move the task In QA sub-task, no error appears.

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June 10, 2024

Hi @Nahapetyan _1 

Welcome to our Community.

It seems you've selected an issue type which doesn't exist in the desination project. 



Nahapetyan _1 June 11, 2024

Hi! This issue type is present in the project settings.

Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 11, 2024

Please show us the screenshot of the issue type scheme of this project and the screenshot of sub-task and sub-bug.

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