How to share added attachments in email by using automation in JSM

Jyotshna Naidu October 18, 2023

Can anyone let me know how to share the attachments to the customer via email that are attached by the agents on the JSM software side? Is there any automation for this?

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Tim Kopperud
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October 18, 2023

Hi @Jyotshna Naidu,  you might use the smart value {{attachment.content}} in the Send email action: 


If there are more than one attachment it needs to be handled differently because the smart value attachment will contain a list, not a single entry. Please inform me if  this is the case in your scenario.


Jyotshna Naidu October 18, 2023

Hi @Tim Kopperud ,
Thanks for quick response 
Tried this but in the email I am not getting any like 
It's just showing the Link to in subject and 

Here is a link to the attachment in the body 

rather than these two lines, I am not getting the issue key or attachment link
I just want to have recently added an attachment to the email. where customers able to open and see it

Tim Kopperud
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October 18, 2023

Hi @Jyotshna Naidu, I just tested it and it works, so it might be something with your rule. Can you attach your rule in a comment? 

If you only want to monitor last image make sure you trigger the rule by Field value changed and monitor on the field Attachment.

To only send link to the last image attached you can do something like this: 


Action step Then: Create variable


Branch step For each: Smart value


Replace the action step Then: add value to the log audit with your own send email action. I recommend  using log to audit until you have found the values you need for your email action (faster than waiting for the email).


Jyotshna Naidu October 18, 2023

Hi @Tim Kopperud ,

But in my automation, i can't see this Create variable action.

We are not into the cloud version 

Tim Kopperud
Community Leader
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October 18, 2023

Hi @Jyotshna Naidu, sorry, I understand. It is included in the latest version, as shown here (from DC):


The latest DC/Server documentation do refer to Create Variable. but it seems to be only available from version 9.x. I cannot find it in the documentation for 8.2. 

I will see if I can come up with a solution without using Create Variable. I will update you.


Jyotshna Naidu October 18, 2023

Hi @Tim Kopperud 

Can see only this create variable actions 
Create variable.PNG

We are in 9.4.8 JSM
thanks for your quick replies
Please do let me know if u find any solutions.

Tim Kopperud
Community Leader
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October 18, 2023

Hi @Jyotshna Naidu, Automation is included as an App. Do you also have the latest version of the app? 



Jyotshna Naidu October 18, 2023

Hi @Tim Kopperud ,
We are in 8.2.2 version in Automation for Jira

Tim Kopperud
Community Leader
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October 18, 2023

Hi @Jyotshna Naidu, a more simplified rule follows, without the need for Create variable. Try adjusting the rule to this:


(I have no idea why I didn't suggested this in the first place.)


Jyotshna Naidu October 18, 2023

Hi @Tim Kopperud ,

We don't have advanced branching to select for each rule
We are not in the cloud version .

Tim Kopperud
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 19, 2023

Hi @Jyotshna Naidu, can you try this as the smart value within the log action (or email)?


Don't use the branching or the filter examples I gave earlier, only use action. 

I cannot guarantee that "#last" attachment is always the latest attachment added (though I suspect it is). This is why I tried to solve this by using date comparison.

(I think the smart value code above could use date comparison, but I'm struggling with that). 


Jyotshna Naidu October 20, 2023

Thanku @Tim Kopperud
This is not working for us, but thanks so much for ur assistance 

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