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How to get insight date value and put it into mail?

NewByatl March 17, 2022

How to put date value in email automation (insight?)

I cannot find information about it ( Data Center)

Screenshot 2022-03-17 at 18.10.52.png


In test mail it returns me {{Приложения и ПО.Срок действия}} but not value

Information taken from {{objectType.Value}} (without certain object)


1 answer

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fishern June 1, 2022

took some time to sort this out on my end so hopefully this helps someone else:

you need to find the customfield ID for the Insight Field you created on your ticket. Once you have that you just need to reference the attributes in the same line. I broke mine out in a few lines for an email being sent with updates in an automation. 

very standard smartvalue which was nice. Can be used in comments or updating text fields too. 


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