How to get first response time and average response time

February 12, 2018

Hi Team,


I want to know what is

1. first response time of the ticket?

2. Once user and me started commenting on the ticket. for all the comments what is the average time taken for us to response to user.

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Jack Brickey
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February 12, 2018

I would suggest reading this article to see if it helps you. Basically you should create an SLA for "Time to First Response" w/ the metrics you require and then create a report to monitor performance to your SLA goals. you can also see TTFR in an issue filter by adding the column to your report. There are some other articles in Atlassian's docs that can help.

February 12, 2018

Sorry this is not that helpful.  Can we create a field of average response time?

Jack Brickey
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February 13, 2018

i don't understand the idea of average response time "field". If it is a field associated w/ an issue it won't be "average response time" it would be "the response time". An average comes by looking across many issues and trending. Response time should be derived via SLAs. Here is a question to answer...

What determines First Response for your organization? Comment added? Issue Transitioned? Issue Assigned? Obviously you want to ignore any automated responses since that would not be a fair measure of performance.

February 14, 2018

Ex: between user and support team think there are 10 comments(5 each at diferent time). Here, I want know what is the avg time to address the users for his 5 comments.

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Louis Cruz
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March 12, 2020

I was wonder the same as @rajalingu_dasari 

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