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How to get Service Desk "All Requests" to show All Requests Created by anyone?

Jennifer Hubble January 9, 2018

We use JIRA self-hosted, and recently added in Service Desk, I created an Organization for the Customer we plan to test with ("WS"), and added in Customers (everyone who's created a "test ticket" via Service Desk thus far). Still, when I am in the Service Desk portal, and select "Any status"/"Created by anyone"/"Any request type", I only see the Requests that I have created. What am I doing wrong?

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Susan Hauth [Jira Queen]
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January 9, 2018

Hi Jennifer,

You will be able to see all requests ONLY if they are shared with you (or everyone in the organization.  

Have you also set the "Customer Permissions" to "Any customer or organization...."

Also note that this won't work retro actively, so only new requests gong forward will default to be shared with the organization that the customer belongs to.  Also note, that anyone can choose not to share.

Hope that helps...


Jennifer Hubble January 9, 2018

@Susan Hauth [Jira Queen] This is VERY helpful - thank you so much. It will have to be an Ops training item then, to try and force them to always share :-) Also, no-one had created a new ticket after the Org was set up, so that explains that piece. Thanks again - most helpful!

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February 29, 2020

Jeniffer you can bulk edit all your issues if you are willing to add the Organization to previous created tickets.


Hope it helps!

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