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How to expose dashboard to the specific client with their related details only?

priscillareemz January 13, 2020


I'm quite new to the JIRA. I'm exploring all of its features and functionalities. I'm using the trial version. 

I'm quite ignorant of providing the customer/client, the access to their own details on issues, projects, reports, on a dashboard etc,. I've tried surfing it all over the browser but couldn't find a relevant solution. 

All I want is to provide my client a dashboard with issues, projects details related to him/her only. The details must be accessible only to that specific user. 

Hope I've put my point straight. Looking forward to your kind help. 


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Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 13, 2020

Hi @priscillareemz 

Assuming you are an administrator in Jira Service Desk do the following:

  1. Directly under Queues is Customers, click into it. (here is the path: https://**********<your-project-code>/customers
  2. Replace ******** with your Atlassian domain. It will take you into the Customers page.
  3. Click on Add Organizations. (organizations are customers/clients).
  4. Give it a name and click on Add. (e.g. XXXX).
  5. Click into the organization you just created.
  6. Now you need to invite your customers/clients (users) to the Customer Portal. Click on Add customers. (e.g.
  7. Enter in their email address and press enter. Repeat for the next user or separate email addresses with ';' and a do a bulk insert. When you are done, click Add. (Those users added will now receive an email inviting them to the Customer Portal. Once they are signed up, they will be able to log into their Customer Portal, and click on a request type to raise a ticket). The customer/client have access to their requests only not other customers. They are able to see open, closed tickets they have raised. 
  8. The tickets will arrive in your All Open Requests Queue. 
  9. Create a new Queue and name it the Customers name (organization name), (e.g. XXXX Tickets). 
  10. Edit the Queue and in the Filter by area use JQL (not basic) and paste in: status in (Escalated, Implementing, "In Progress", Open, "Peer review / change manager approval", Pending, Planning, Reopened, "Under Review", "Under investigation", "Waiting for approval", "Waiting for customer", "Waiting for support", "Work in progress", "On Hold") AND Organizations = "XXXX" ORDER BY Key DESC then SAVE
  11. Done. Now when a signed up user in organization XXXX logs into the Customer Portal and raises a request your All Open Requests & XXXX queue will receive the ticket. (Mind you the user must share with organization in the Ticket Request Form on the Customer Portal.
  12. If you have multiple customers then simply repeat the steps for each of the customers. 


priscillareemz January 13, 2020

Hi @Mike Bowen ,

Thank you very much for the assistance, It was helpful for me to correct myself, but my actual doubt was how would I let a customer own a dashboard with details related to the total number of issues being raised, issues that are in progress, closed issues, projects one's working under, etc,. 

Basically I want to display the client specific issues and other details on one's Dashboard(i.e., private only to that client)



Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 13, 2020

Hi @priscillareemz 

Yes, unless the client is signed up and logged in, they will not be able to see their specific issues and other details on one's Dashboard(i.e., private only to that client).

Therefore follow steps 1 to 7 to get the client signed up and registered. Once client is signed up and start raising requests, the requests will arrive in the All Open Requests queue then you can follow steps 8 to 12. 



priscillareemz January 13, 2020

Hi @Mike Bowen ,

Thank you, it really helped me achieve greater clarity.

In case if I want the client to have the details in a graphical representation view, how do I achieve that?



Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 14, 2020

Hi @priscillareemz 

I think you need to start following or reading through a tutorial. Have a look at 

Set up your first Jira Service Desk project

Once you have done that, look to the side of the page and follow through the various steps. 



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priscillareemz January 14, 2020

Hi @Mike Bowen ,

Thank you for your guidance. I'll look through your suggestion.

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