How to create a Time to First Response SLA in Service Desk?

Melody KirkWagner April 22, 2015

There is a "Time to First Response" SLA in Service Desk out of the box, but I accidentally deleted and am doing something wrong when I try to recreate it. Can you tell me the parameters of the SLA? I tried adding  "Time to first response" = breached() or "Time to first response" != breached()) in the JQL field, but Time to First Response isn't recognized as a field.

2 answers

2 votes
Olivier Albertini
April 22, 2015

Go to JIRA Service desk project

Go to SLA tab

Then create a new metric.



check : issue created


check : Comment: For Customers

check : Entered Status: Resolved
0 votes
Melody KirkWagner April 22, 2015

I would have thought so, too. smile

Though I don't want resolved as part of the SLA and comment for customers isn't my metric, but it's basically the same.

Start on Issue Created

Stop on Entered status: First Tier

That's where I started. It only showed one issue in the last 30 days out of many. Does it not show the past? The other SLAs and reports do.

Then I started entering JQL: project = (project name) AND "Initial Response SLA" = breached() with a custom calendar and as a second goal

project = ATLPAS AND Service in (Atlantis, "Other Service") AND "Initial Response SLA" != breached()

And various other combinations. One issue shows up, and it's out of SLA. The other 63 don't show at all.




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November 24, 2016

@Melody KirkWagner were you able to sort this in the end? i have the same issue and can't seem to get it working.

Melody KirkWagner November 28, 2016

I did not. I worked through all kinds of configurations and the metric never worked.

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