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How do I restrict access to Service Desk Project?

Jordan Paquette March 21, 2018

I have been using a Jira Service Desk project for quite some time for our IT Helpdesk. This project has many "customers / portal users". I've created a second service desk project that is going to be used for a different support function.

To be able to "enable self sign up" for this project, it seems like I need to set the option under Customer Permissions for who can access the portal and send requests to "Anyone can send a request via the portal or "the email address on file".

I have that permissions set up for the IT service desk project.

If I turn that permission on for the second service desk project I've configured, all of the customers on the first service desk are added to the second service desk project therefore causing confusion when users want to open new tickets.

I need help determining how to only allow specific users access to this second service desk while also allowing self signup on the portal for both service desks.

2 answers

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Meg Holbrook
Rising Star
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March 21, 2018

I would say that you need to distinguish your internal users as a group. This will allow you to leverage the ability to adjust the permissions since the internal team is likely known but the external reporters could be unknown. 

Meg Holbrook
Rising Star
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March 21, 2018

Use the create issues permission in Desk 2 (external Desk) and make sure your internal group does not have access to create. 



Jordan Paquette March 21, 2018

Thanks for this suggestion! The thing is that internal and external customers will be changing on a constant basis. I would like to have self sign up enabled because we have people coming and leaving all the time internally that will need access to submit IT tickets. 

Externally (Desk 2) we have drivers coming and going and they will need the ability to submit tickets to that group of agents.

Is there a way that any new user that signs up on desk 1 is automatically added to a group or any new user that signs up on desk 2 is automatically added to a group specific to that group?

Jordan Paquette March 21, 2018

Let me add something to this;


Cherie is an internal employee. She needs to be able to submit tickets to Desk 1 for IT support requests.

Cherie is going to be an agent on Desk 2 where she will handle requests that come into that service desk.

When Cherie goes into Jira, she needs to be able to submit tickets for IT and then also change her project so she can see tickets that are assigned to her in the other service desk project.


This is essentially what I'm trying to accomplish. The problem right now is that when set the permissions to that both customer portals have the self sign up option available, internal employees are being re-directed to the secondary service desk portal that I've set up that they don't even need to know about.

Meg Holbrook
Rising Star
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March 21, 2018

I think that you could get this working by updating your settings for the internal desk to only allow users from your corporate domain.

Meg Holbrook
Rising Star
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March 21, 2018
Meg Holbrook
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 21, 2018

*Requires use of Crowd

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Meg Holbrook
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 21, 2018

Will customers from desk 1 ever interact with desk 2? 

I ask this because yes, the user 'pool' will be shared, but what is the real harm in having all of your customers in one place? 

I have many help desks spread out in our company. A few of the desks share customers, others do not. All users are represented as 'Service Desk Customers'

The way that we control new issues is that the Desk 1 customers will only ever user Desk 1 email. It is highly unlikely that they will be submitting via Desk 2 unless they were given that option or made aware of its existence. 

If your customers ever need to cross-pollinate and submit to both desks, you could be limiting their access unnecessarily. 

Meg Holbrook
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 21, 2018

I forgot to mention that the same thing goes for portals. Help Portal is only representative of one Help Desk, even though we have many available. 



Jordan Paquette March 21, 2018

Customers in Desk 1 are internal employees. Customers in desk 2 are external contracted drivers. There is one set of "agents" that handle the submitted requests from the internal employees or customers in Desk 1.

There will be a different group of "agents" that will manage the requests that come into Desk 2. These agents are internal employees which are "Customers" in desk 1.


I should mention that Desk 1 is an internal service desk. Desk 2 is an external service desk. I don't know if that matters.

Jordan Paquette March 21, 2018

This is what my internal service desk customer permissions look likeScreen Shot 2018-03-21 at 5.42.02 PM.png

Jordan Paquette March 21, 2018

If I click on Change Permissions, this is what I see.


Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 5.43.22 PM.png

Jordan Paquette March 21, 2018

Desk 2 Customer Permissions look like this


Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 5.44.24 PM.png

Jordan Paquette March 21, 2018

If I click on Change Permissions here, I see this:

Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 5.45.35 PM.png

Jordan Paquette March 21, 2018

Both of my customer portals look exactly the same even though they have different URLs. They don't allow self sign up.

Screen Shot 2018-03-21 at 5.46.17 PM.png

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