How do I move a Service Desk issue from one request type to another?

Geert Graat
Rising Star
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September 22, 2014


I have a Service Desk with 2 request types (problem report and feature request). If a customer creates a problem report, how can I move this to a feature request? I can move the underlying issue type perfectly well, but that does not affect the request type. Any ideas?

Kind regards,


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Tim Eddelbüttel
Rising Star
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September 23, 2014

Hello Geert,

there is a oustanding feature request for this:

We use this workarround for that but it requires the JIRA Misc Workflow Extension:

  • Add a new custom field (single select) with your customer request type values (e.g. projectkey/problem-report)
    Make the field visible on the view screen to see the name from an existing request or look in the database (ao_54307e_viewportform / KEY)
  • Add a new workflow step Customer portal fix with the same source and destination step
  • Place the new custom field on the workflow screen
  • Add the Copy Value From Other Field postfunction.
    From your new custom field to Customer Request Type
  • Disable the notification for this step

The request type is now change in the customer portal.


Geert Graat
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 23, 2014

Thanks for the answer, I will add my vote to the feature request. Regards, Geert

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