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How can we send a comment to customer via ticket, so he receive it as an email notification?

ירדן_חי February 25, 2020


Our customers sending us comments regarding security events via their personal email to ticket, and we receive it successfully. however when we try to answer to the customer he receive an email with invitation to his mailbox in order to sign up to jira, but after it, if we try again to answer him from the ticket, the customer cant see it.

if the customer signs in to jira from the link that he receives, he cant still see our answer. he can only create a request, and we will see it as a new ticket, and its not correlated to the relevant ticket.

how can we send emails to customers from the comment without registering to jira? and how can we answer him from the ticket so he will see it in his mailbox?



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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 28, 2020

Hello Yarden,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

Reading the details you provided, I'm not sure if I understood correctly what email channel customers are using.

On Jira, there are two options to create tickets via email. The first one is using the Jira Core mail handler on Jira settings > System > Incoming email. This option is used to create tickets for Business and Software projects.

The other option is the mail handler directly in the project. This option is available only for Jira Service Desk and it's the best option to receive requests from customers.

Can you please let us know if you are using the mail channel directly in the project?

If you are using a classic project, you can find this configuration on Project settings > Email requests.

If it's a next-gen project, go to Project settings > Channels > Email.

I'm asking what option you are using because if the customer is receiving an invite to Jira and not receiving notifications, they are probably creating the ticket using the Jira Core incoming email.

For more details about Service Desk mail handler, please check the documentation below:


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