How can i get all issues with commit details ? using REST API ?

Bhuvana Balakrishnan
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November 21, 2017

I want all "Resolved" issues with comments & commit details. How can I get it ?

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J van Leeuwen
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 20, 2017

Hello Bhuvana, 

I would recommend installing the Atlassian REST API Browser to see which endpoints are available. Depending on the version of Jira that you are running, you should be able to hit the endpoint: api/2/search to execute a JQL search. For example, to find all issues with the status 'Done', you could call:

GET http://<jiraserver>/rest/api/2/search?jql=status%20%3D%20Done&fields=*all

The parameter *all* tells it to include all fields.

See this tutorial for more examples: JIRA REST API Example - Query issues

Hope this helps!

- Jennifer

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